Lagoon Shrimp Goby ( Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia )

Two Broodstock animals were purchased from a local pet store as a pair in March of 2018. Both fish are of a similar size at 5” in length. The broodstock pair was placed inside of a 30 Gallon, bare bottom aquarium connected to a larger filtration system (800 gallons total) containing a biofilter, protein skimmer, 200um filter sock, and heater. The broodstock pair was provided with a spawning cave made of three, 8 inch long pieces of 2 inch diameter PVC pipe with a cap at one end of each piece. Water quality in the broodstock system was maintained at an average salinity of 32ppt, temperature of 80°f, and pH of 8.2.

Cr broodstock

Figure 1: Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia Broodstock

A little over one year from their introduction, these fish began to spawn every 20-25 days inside of their spawning cave. A large mass of approximately 1000 oval shaped eggs (1.5mm average size) is deposited at the front of the cave and cared for by the parents. Prior to depositing eggs, the female of the species is noticeably rounder in the middle and both fish are a much more vibrant yellow color than usual. The egg mass was removed from the broodstock tank and incubated in a 15 gallon round black tub with light aeration.

CR eggs CR larvae

Figure 2: Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia eggs (left) and larvae at 0dph (right)

The eggs began to hatch 6 days after deposition (average length of almost 3mm). Several hundred larvae were separated into three identical 15 gallon tubs with light aeration. The larvae did not feed until 12-24 hours post hatch. The approximate larval feeding schedule was as follows: Parvocalanus crassostris nauplii at 6/mL until 4dph, all life stages parvo and rotifers 50/50 at 8/mL from 4dph-15dph, 12 hour old artemia at 1/mL from 13dph – 22dph, 24 hour old algae enriched artemia at 1/mL from 20dph – 30dph, Otohime B1 from 27dph – present.

CR larvae 6dph

Figure 3: Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia larve at 6dph

Settlement of larvae began 27 days post hatch and continued to about 35 days post hatch. Settling larvae moved from the water column to the sides and bottom of the tub, began accepting prepared foods, and developed a yellow tint over time. We now have at approximately 125 juveniles of varying sizes in our growout system and are hoping for another batch of eggs soon.

CR larvae 30dph

Figure 4: Cryptocentrus cyanotaenia juvenile at 30 dph

Text and Pictures:

Dan Elefante
Aquarist / Laboratory Aide
Southampton High School