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Small Scale Aquaculture at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium by Ramon Villaverde | MACNA 2016
Jamie Craggs: Overview of 5 years spawning coral in captivity. | MACNA 2018
Dr. Judy St. Leger: How hobbyists can help grow the ornamental aquaculture research. | MACNA 2019
Metode Penetasan Telur Clownfish
Culturing Inverts for Species Recovery & Habitat Restoration by Dr. Sandy Trautwein | MACNA 2016
Resirkulasi Akuakultur Sistem (RAS) Skala Rumah Tangga untuk Membesarkan Ikan Hias Clownfish.
Les Coulisses du Musée : Reproduction du Poisson Mandarin
Taxonomy of the Pseudochromidae (Dottybacks) by Dr. Anthony Gill | MACNA 2016
Hausbesuche: Meerwasser Besuch beim Züchter Achim Kahlert
Intentionally spawning stony corals in the aquarium by Jamie Craggs | MACNA 2014