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Tal Sweet: Captive Breeding a Continuing Journey | MACNA 2018
Laura Birenbaum: Biology and Behavior of Cuttlefish and How To Keep Them | MACNA 2018
Dr. Judy St. Leger: How hobbyists can help grow the ornamental aquaculture research. | MACNA 2019
Les Coulisses du Musée : Reproduction du Poisson Mandarin
Mark Callahan: How to Successfully Quarantine Fish | MACNA 2018
Pemeliharaan Clownfish tahap Grading
Eientwicklung bei Trigriopus Californicus
Resirkulasi Akuakultur Sistem (RAS) Skala Rumah Tangga untuk Membesarkan Ikan Hias Clownfish.
Elizabeth Groover: Ornamental Wrasse Culture | MACNA 2018
Todd Gardner: Small actions / simple tools make a big difference in marine fish culture | MACNA 2017