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Pemeliharaan Induk Clownfish I Siphon dasar akuarium
Martin Moe: The Details of Diadema Culture; a New Aquaculture Technology | MACNA 2018
Growth for a captive reef kept at Monaco’s Oceanographic Museum by Jean Jaubert | MACNA 2014
Dr. Chad Callan: Using captive bred aquacultured to reduce pressure on the wild. | MACNA 2019
Jamie Craggs: Overview of 5 years spawning coral in captivity. | MACNA 2018
Fisch&Reptil: Vortrag Überblick zu Meerwasserfisch Nachzuchten für die Aquaristik von Daniel Heerz
Todd Gardner: How the reefing hobby's innovations drive marine aquaculture. | MACNA 2019
Laura Birenbaum: Biology and Behavior of Cuttlefish and How To Keep Them | MACNA 2018
Elizabeth Groover: Ornamental Wrasse Culture | MACNA 2018
CRAZY Clownfish Laboratory in Taiwan